OWASP ZAP Tutorial - Part 3: Scanning

Good day, eh. Welcome to Part 3. In this post, we will spend a little time walking through how to perform active scanning with ZAP. I'm gonna level with you, this is probably the easiest part of workin with ZAP, but it is also the most perilous. Web scanners have taken down sites, and if the scope isn't configured properly you could find yourself winning an extended stay at Club Fed (located in beautiful Leavenworth, Kansas). As always, don't scan stuff that isn't yours or that you don't have permission to scan. Got it? Good. Let's move forward. As you may or may not know, OWASP ZAP can perform two different levels of scanning: passive scanning and active scanning. Our tutorial will focus on active scanning, but I think it is worthwhile to have a brief discussion about passive scanning. Passive scanning is the scanning that takes place when ZAP is interacting with a web application through any other process other than an active scan. What this means is that ...